Odkedy svet svetom je, pospolitý ľud je
očarený géniami. To záblesky ich mysle hýbu svetom, oni, nie my, majú to ťažko
definovateľné čosi. Pramálo zmôžeme, ostáva len žasnúť a azda ešte písať
ódy, snažiť sa, aby z ich veľkosti aspoň kúsok dopadol aj na nás.
Fascinovaní autori svojim fascinovaným čitateľom predložili tisíce strán
o Mozartovi, Newtonovi alebo Messim, kdesi vnútri však zaiste cítia, že sa
snažia o nemožné: genialitu nemožno vysvetliť ani opísať, dá sa len
precítiť. Napriek tomu, vopred si vedomý tej márnosti, tu je môj pokus
vystihnúť genialitu Bélu Bugára, skutočnej osobnosti roku 2014, 2013, 2012, aj
každého iného.
Povedzme si to narovinu: sú politici
a je Béla Bugár. Politici navrhujú, realizujú, oslovujú, snažia sa, Béla
Bugár len jednoducho je. S imidžom dobrosrdečného a vtipného suseda,
ktorý síce je Maďar, ale nejako zásadne vám to nevadí, si v rozbúrených
vodách slovenskej politiky vytvoril svoj vlastný bezpečný prístav, z ktorého
nikdy ani len nevyplával.
Strany vznikajú a zanikajú, spájajú
sa a premenuvávajú, klesajú a stúpajú a Béla Bugár stále je.
Stabilný, nemenný, skala, na ktorej stojí strana porozumenia. Trochu ošedivel,
trochu sa opozeral, jasných šesť percent. Nikto ho nechce vymeniť, nikto
o ňom nehovorí, že je politikom starej generácie (hoci ním je), nikto od
neho neočakáva nič, len to, že bude. A to Béla Bugár dokonale spĺňa.
Mohlo by sa povedať, že jeho existencia
popiera všetky zákony politiky, nebyť toho, že principiálny zákon velí nájsť si
svoju malú bezpečnú dieru na trhu, v nej sa usídliť a urobiť všetko
preto, aby sa do nej nenasťahoval nikto iný. Práve toto umenie Béla Bugár
dotiahol do dokonalosti. Nikto – doslova nikto iný – nedokázal tak ako on
presvedčiť všetkých naokolo, že je niečím, čím v skutočnosti nie je.
V skutočnosti totiž Béla Bugár nie je ničím. Je práve tou prázdnou
nádobou, ktorá znesie akýkoľvek obsah, hoci väčšinu času ostáva prázdna.
Niektoré veci sú skvelé, niektoré veľkolepé, iné magické a potom je Béla.
Je koniec roka
a mnohí z vás si azda s výbuchom polnočných ohňostrojov položia
otázku, čo Béla Bugár v roku 2014 urobil: odpoveď znie – nič. Vydolovanie akéhokoľvek
záznamu aktivity by si vyžadovalo nie jedného ale dvoch celých novinárov,
zdokumentovanie jeho činnosti je úlohou vysoko presahujúcou ľudské možnosti.
Béla Bugár v roku 2014, tak ako v akomkoľvek pred ním, len jednoducho
bol. Ešte zložitejšou úlohou je pátranie po akomkoľvek náznaku názoru. Keď sa
povie teflón, okamžite mi napadne Ján Figeľ, ale kto, ak nie práve Béla Bugár,
je dokonalým reprezentantom bezpohlavnosti? Ešte aj s tým Figeľom sa dá
aspoň nesúhlasiť, ale skúste sa dostať do názorového rozporu s Bélom
Bugárom. Nemožné, zhola nemožné, ako chcieť z cibule upiecť štrúdľu alebo
Pelému zobrať puk. Aký názor? Čo to je, ten názor? A načo je to dobré?
Kritizujeme politikov, že ohýbajú chrbáty a menia postoje a tu je on,
dokonalá antitéza – nikdy žiaden postoj nezmenil. Nikdy totiž žiaden nemal.
Napriek tomu – alebo azda práve preto –
to stále funguje. Béla Bugár si azda aj niečo myslí, ale len odtiaľ-potiaľ,
vždy zásadne a dokonale v rámci oného. Dokáže dlho a pomerne
pekne rozprávať, ale tvrdiť, že aj niečo povie, by bolo prehnané. Nevyzerá
najhoršie, milovať ho nebudete, ale nikdy vás nenaštve a v tom je ten
kľúč. Za predpokladu, že chcete vládnuť, je dobré, ak vás ľudia milujú, On však
vie, že premiérom nikdy nebude a tak stačí, ak im nebude vyložene vadiť.
A tak občas súhlasí a občas nesúhlasí, vždy s mierou, vždy si
vedomý toho, že voľby môže dopadnúť akokoľvek. Večný kandidát na koaličného
partnera, vždy pripravený jednoducho len ďalej byť.
Podarilo sa: umenie
ničnerobenia Béla Bugár dotiahol do dokonalosti. Práve to je esenciou jeho
bytia, jeho víťazný skill. Béla Bugár nevykonáva absolútne žiadnu činnosť
a práve preto je tam, kde je, svojim spôsobom je ideálom všetkých tých,
ktorým sa nechce robiť absolútne nič. A toto dokáže len skutočný génius.
Of course, I am trying to dry my hair. While I was washing my hair, I got called five times.
Do you dry your hair in front of the computer?
What would you like?
I want to write in your Live Journal,
on Facebook, write about the situation with this place, so this scum
will stop to... last night they were having fun all night on Twitter, as
you know, right?
Yes, I know, today we will get together
at Udaltsov, and at 2 o'clock at Ilya Ponomarev and Udaltsov. We will
send someone from Solidarnost, for a press conference at the independent
press center. Delyagin wrote that the meeting is coordinated between
Solidarnost and the Left front
So they stopped squealing already?
Bastards, f%ck. Is the scum Chirikova still barking?
The scum Chirikova continues to bark along with Limonov.
Limonov I don't care about at all. Ok, I am suggesting to write a short post in Live Journal.
Can I tell Misha to write that?
Where is Misha?
He is at the computer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panyechka! Borya! Hello dear! Hi! Why couldn't you convince Chirikova, a chick! Jesus! She is f%cked up, how can I convince her? Yes she is f$cked up, of course No, she doesn't want to hear anything. Do you understand the point? At least do you understand it? I read something online... Those who will come to the Revolution square, for them a passage, a march will be organized to Bolotnaya. They are cretins! They should put up a monument for me instead of Dzerzhinsky on Lubyanka! What? And then steal the archives once again! You are right, I will steal them... You are a great Russian writer, can you
call Chirikova, and say, Chirikova, b%tch you are insulting Nemtsov,
saying he did it for money, did you hear this? This f#cked up b$tch
wrote this. Call this rat and tell her to behave! Who am I for her, of course, I could try No, she respects you, you are
Panechkin, a famous writer, explain the motivation, explain what
happened, that I didn't fold, didn't write any letters. You can read in
my Live Journal or Facebook, about what happened. They told me the
right thing, they said, you cannot fit that many people on that square,
and this is true. It's true... And since there will be a lot of people
from the office plankton, the internet hamsters, who had never seen a live OMON soldier, I don't want to have any people beaten by bats, that's it! I agree with you So call her, and tell her to shut up!
When someone is arrested, she calls me, when she wants to go to
America, she calls me, when she needs help with customs, she calls me, when she wants to help some victims,
she calls me, when she needs money for anti-Seliger, she calls me, and
then Nemtsov is a traitor, f$ck, is she not a scum? You should loose the tone, Borya I will loose the tone, I am just talking to you like this
She is is a stupid idiot, everyone understands this Being angry will not make it better, everyone understands that she is an idiot
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! Borya? Hello! Who is this? Yashin Yashin, f#ck! First of all let me tell you the latest news. First of all we reconciled today with those morons. Yes, I know, I asked Misha to post your video statement Yes this is the first good news. Second is not news, but a request. I think Lesha needs to go for president Who thinks? I think, me, Nemtsov thinks. But I need for him to mumble something about this. He is not ready so far I understand, but, keep in mind, the
situation is the following. Vovochka Ryzhkov wants to go for it. I don't
like the idea, because it's not feasible, do you understand? I understand But he, b$th, will break all of us, because he found the money You shouldn't present anyone. It will be taken very badly by the people I understand, but he was given money This is not about money. No one will
support him. He is, softly speaking, not an optimal candidate. If you
will announce him as a candidate for president at the meeting, the
reaction will be inadequate. Don't do that. Ilya, I agree, let's talk about the Revolution square. Do you know the story? I think we did everything very f$cken beautiful Thank God And there is my part in this, too. Very
important that you write a declaration for the meeting, which someone
or I may read, that the opposition needs to be united, that our goal is
just to deal with them I wrote the declaration, and gave it to Misha That it's good that you found a
compromise, and is very important, that the authorities should carry
responsibility for that chaos they started, but don't write, "Don't go
to the Revolution square" We didn't write this Someone told me you wrote this, this is wrong. This is BS. I didn't write this. I
wrote... We held consultations all day. As a result I wanted to write a
declaration about Bolotnaya, but no one supported me, and we decided to
say "Come out and protest" Neutral like that.
No, that's ok, you know, the authorities have contacted me Borya, we wrote, we need peaceful protests, come out and protest. That's fine, but don't concentrate on the Revolution square, because most people never went to anywhere I know. How many people are coming? 36 thousand on Facebook But what's your assessment? 10 thousand? F$ck knows. Venedictov is taking a very f$cked up position, runs around... You have to come to the Revolution square tomorrow, and lead the people from there. This is what I wanted to do, but I was told that they will arrest me If you come to the Revolution square? Yes Why? They just called me from Interfax. I didn't get it yet, But the Prosecutor...
You have to go anyway, because if you don't come to the Revolution square you will be eaten alive because Twitter is on fire Twitter is not on fire any more No, it's on fire. If you come and say, lead the people to Bolotnaya, why would they arrest you? That's stupid They don't arrest for something, they arrest on orders If they arrest you, then fine, it will be the main headline We are not fighting for headlines I understand we are not fighting for headlines, but I think if you don't come it will be wrong No, I will come, you don't have to talk me into it. I already decided I think it is very important that you come to the Revolution square I know, I am going to come Because of what they wrote, I think it will solve that problem What did they write? I didn't ask
anything, I didn't write anything, and I said, please give me a letter,
how will you provide security, they gave it to me, the deputy mayor
I know
I talked to him today, Nastya is meeting with him right now
I know, tell me the main thing, as far as I understand the only one who separated from you is Limonov, right? Anyone else? F$ck him Is there anyone else? May be the Left Front, but they are not very active
[Looks like Ilya Yashin is a very
important figure, if he can give orders and advice to Nemtsov, and
Nemtsov seems to somewhat submit to his authority - KR]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! Olechka, hi, do you know if we got instructions? Have you seen it? No, I only saw a text in the news Because I didn't get it, I am at home, are they going through Interfax? Yes, probably Understood. Second, about tomorrow, I will come to the Revolution square, and will ask to go to Bolotnaya queitly. Are you coming with me? I think I should be on Bolotnaya, an hour early. I am asking, what do you think? I think the most important thing is to be with me Ok, I can be with you, but we should do something about the journalists First of all I already made arrangements with some serious security (Gary's). Second,
we will drive up to the Duma, and will come out at Duma and will walk. I
will just ask the people to quietly walk to Bolotnaya Do you know about the talks at the mayor's office? Did they end? They didn't end. Because if they ended, they would all call me. Were are you, beautiful? I am home, but I have to go to Kasyanov's, they have a party there I know I am already here And I didn't come, I forgot, where is it? Ok come over, Pirogovka 53 55 I have another question, Devodchenko is in a hospital Who is the first one after him? There is an option of Akunin, but the Left front is against him. That's first. Second, what do you think about Alexander Sklar? Fine, but not the first And what about Ulitskaya? Fine, but not the first. Not the first, of course. Sure, I don't mind. Just don't change the list too much Do you know Sklar? Yes I know, a singer. Has the information field imroved? Much much improved They stopped barking, no longer a traitor... No longer a traitor, did Chirikova apologize? No So she thinks it's fine? No, she is a b$tch or an idiot I called Oleg Kozyrev, who wrote a
horrible post yesterday about a betrayal. I asked him, Oleg, I can
understand emotions and negativity, but could you call and ask first
before writing? Did he write a better post today?
Of course, he posted a video message. He said, it was our first reaction. I said you should understand, what happened, and then write I understand, they are assholes, of course. But it is a waste of time to wait for an apology It was barbaric But now they are quiet, they are on our side Only Chirikova is saying that we will have a march, and that Nemtsov will close the column at Echo Moscow What an idiot. I said that I will have to be the last one to leave, but I didn't say about the march Yes, she is an idiot. Ilya Krasilshik called me and asked what's going on? I said, just don't pay attention to Chirikova She will be arrested tomorrow, and it will be all over We wouldn't like for her to be arrested Wouldn't like to, but she is asking for it She
wants to be a political prisoner. She is all about PR. She is a total
scum, because no one had helped her as much as I had helped her ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! Borya, can you answer one question which is killing me? Sure I am reading Facebook, Internet, and I
see that all the normal people are writing, that if anyone is asking you
to come for a march (to walk on the streets, to Lubyanka, to Kremlin),
instead of a rally, then these people are provocateurs, right? Yes Does it mean I am a provocateur? Tomorrows rally is very different from all the previous ones. This is for the sissy white collar internet hamsters, who battle on Facebook and VK. I
had to represent their interests at the mayor's office. Besides
Internet wars, they are extremely scared to get under the bats of Omon.
They are extremely scared to be arrested. What about those ten thousand that gathered on Chistye Prudy, didn't they march to Lubyanka? The thing is out of those ten thousand that were there, one thousand went to Lubyanka, and they were the activists. So they knew what they going for? Yes. It
was us, Solidarnost, Left Front, Natsbol of Limonov, There were no
hamsters there, the hamsters ran away. About 1000 people went to
Lubyanka, so 10% of the rally were the people who were politically
motivated and 90% of the meeting were the vegetables who are outraged that they coudn't get laid. So it is good that Yashin is in jail, and is not coming to Bolotnaya? Well I wouldn't say that about my friend But it would be more quiet
Of course I wouldn't do that. That he and Navalny are in jail means that.. And then there that scum Limonov, a provocateur, who along with Zakhar Prilepin want to declare a day of revolution. But because there will be the scared penguins
on the square, I think we should do everything so that they are not
touched, otherwise they will turn away from us and say we used them as
cannon fodder This is the task of the Kremlin is to provoke them Of course that's what they want